Inner Voice - Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan
A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine is a show talking about what matters the most to you in life. Listen to tips of the day about life, answers your questions, and interview with experts in the field of psychology, and authors of books about humanity.

Monday Nov 11, 2024
Monday Nov 11, 2024
E375 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Behnam Bakhshandeh, Ph.D., MPS, an accomplished business manager and a personal and professional development expert with over three decades of field experience working with individuals, teams, and organizations. He is widely known as a dynamic executive coach, business coach, OD, HRD & WLP practitioner, trainer, author and speaker. Using his talents as a passionate, imaginative leader, he achieves exceptional achievements in rapid time. Behnam brings his extensive experience and successful track record to each project, whether it is for personal and professional development, organizational development, change interventions, team building, implementing customer-focused programs, redesigning operational core processes, or delivering strategic initiatives. Up to date, Behnam has authored fourteen books in the fields of personal and professional development, coaching, and organizational development. In this episode, we discuss his latest book, “The Impact of the Current 4Cs Skills Gap in Organizations – Using Emotional Intelligence to Develop Competencies”. For more information and to contact Dr. Bakhshandeh at
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Monday Nov 04, 2024
Monday Nov 04, 2024
E374 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. Dan Siegel. He is the executive director of the Mindsight Institute and founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA, where he was also Co-Principal Investigator of the Center for Culture, Brain and Development and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine. An award-winning educator, Dan is the author of five New York Times bestsellers and over fifteen other books, which have been translated into over forty languages. As the founding editor of the Norton Professional Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology ("IPNB"), Dan has overseen the publica4on of one hundred books in the transdisciplinary IPNB framework, which focuses on the mind and mental health. A graduate of Harvard Medical School, Dan completed his postgraduate training at UCLA, specializing in pediatrics and adult, adolescent, and child psychiatry. He was trained in attachment research and narrative analysis through a National Institute of Mental Health research training fellowship focusing on how relationships shape our autobiographical ways of making sense of our lives and influence our development across the lifespan. Learn more about Dr. Siegel at: |
Dr. Foojan and Dr. Dan Siegel discussed the upcoming release of dan's new book, "Personality and Wholeness in Therapy," and the concept of personality in academic and clinical contexts. Dr. Siegel explained that personality refers to persistent emotions, thinking, and behavior patterns that develop over time and contribute to an individual's sense of wholeness. However, he noted that these patterns can become unworkable or unhealthy, leading to personality disorders. The conversation also touched on the relationship between brain activity and mental activity, with dan emphasizing the importance of energy flow as the foundation of both. Lastly, dan shared his insights on the formation of sound as a symbolic means of communication and the differences between personality patterns and types. He discussed the concept of implicit memory and its role in forming personality, suggesting that a sense of wholeness encoded into the brain during fetal development serves as the foundation of personality. He introduced the Enneagram personality type system, discussing its potential limitations and proposing a more fluid approach, the Patterns of Developmental Pathways (PDP) model. He also explained the three primary emotions of the Enneagram system, highlighting the neuroplasticity of the brain and the role of attachment in the process. Dr. Siegel explained the different forms of attachment and their impact on personality. He emphasized that non-secure attachment can lead to emotional distance, intrusiveness, and inconsistency, resulting in ambivalence or disorganization.
He discussed the concept of growth edges, emphasizing the importance of embracing uncertainty and the reality of a journey. He highlighted that individuals have an inward or outward bonding pattern and encouraged them to accept their vulnerabilities and needs. Dr. Siegel introduced a model of personality development that emphasizes growth and exploration of different patterns, explaining how individuals can identify their growth edge and benefit from tapping into the positive aspects of each of the nine patterns. The conversation also touched on the potential of meditation and psychedelics in expanding consciousness and promoting wholeness, suggesting a collective consciousness that underpins individual growth and development.

Monday Oct 28, 2024
Monday Oct 28, 2024
E373 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Rich Christiansen, a globally recognized thought leader, entrepreneur, and humanitarian. For decades, he has been helping people fearlessly face their dragons, make peace with them, and navigate the intricate mazes of their lives. Rich has founded or co-founded 51 businesses, of which 16 have become multimillion-dollar successes. Each was capitalized with $10,000 or less. He has done business in 14 countries. Rich authored The ZigZag Principle, a Wall Street Journal and USA Today national best-selling book, sharing with us how a foundational law could be applied to entrepreneurship, goal setting, and life in general. In 2021, Rich introduced the Legado family framework. This model has sparked hope for families, positively impacting and stabilizing families throughout the world. But nothing he had ever accomplished or created about would prepare him for the biggest shock of his life after a DNA test revealed the truth about his conception more complex than he had ever imagined. In his new book, BLINDSIGHTED: A Journey of Identity, Faith, and Healing, Rich shares with the world his own struggles to unravel family secrets that raised serious, heart-wrenching questions. The book is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of truth and love.

Monday Oct 21, 2024
Monday Oct 21, 2024
E372 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. Aileen Zaballero and Dr. Behnam Bakhshandeh about their latest book, “Revolutionizing The Online Learning Journey – 1500 Ways to Increase Engagement”. Aileen G. Zaballero, Ph.D., CPTD, is a senior partner of Rothwell & Associates (R&A) with a dual-title Ph.D. in Workforce Education and Comparative International Education from Pennsylvania State University. She has been a Certified Professional in Talent Development since 2009. Aileen has over 27 years of experience in the learning and development field and more than 10 years researching what adults learn, how they know it, and the value placed on types of knowledge.
To date, Aileen has authored and co-authored over ten books on human resources and talent development. As an instructional designer and learning consultant, she created various educational and training materials, including online videos and webinars. As a practitioner and researcher, Aileen believes bridging academic discourse in workforce education (theory) with industry best practices (application) to address complex issues is critical. Dr. Behnam Bakhshandeh is an accomplished business manager known widely as a dynamic writer, speaker, personal and professional development coach, and trainer for over 30 years. Implementing his passion and visionary leadership skills, he produces extraordinary results in record time. Behnam brings his broad experience and successful track record to each project, whether it involves personal development, implementing customer-focused programs, integrating technologies, redesigning operational core processes, or delivering strategic initiatives. He is also the founder and president of Primeco Education, a coaching and consulting company that has worked with individuals, teams, and organizations on personal and professional development since 1993. He has authored and published ten books on topics related to the personal and professional development industry, including Organization Development, personal and professional coaching, and high performance. We discuss his latest book: “The Impact of the Current 4Cs Skills Gap in Organizations”.
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Monday Oct 14, 2024
Monday Oct 14, 2024
E371 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Michelle M. May, LPC, the Chair of the Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) program at the New Washington School of Psychiatry in Washington, DC. She is a psychotherapist and supervisor specializing in intensive dynamic therapy with a private practice for adults and couples in Virginia and Washington, DC. We will be talking about her book: Refreshingly honest, illuminating, and emotion-provoking, "What I Couldn’t Tell My Therapist" is both a precious resource for therapists wishing to do more for their clients and a guide to accelerate healing for anyone who is suffering. For more information, go to: 20 Best California Mental Health Podcasts Check out my website:,, Remember to Subscribe, Listen, Review, and Share! Find me on these sites: *iTunes ( *Google Play ( *Stitcher ( *YouTube ( Platforms to Like and Follow: *Facebook ( *Instagram ( *Twitter ( *LinkedIn (

Monday Oct 07, 2024
Monday Oct 07, 2024
E370 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with William Rothwell, President of Rothwell & Associates, Inc., Rothwell & Associates, LLC, and Rothwell & Associates Korea in this episode. As a consultant, he has worked with over fifty multinational companies and countless governments and nonprofits. As a Distinguished Professor at Penn State University, University Park, where he has taught for 30 years, he is co-professor-in-charge of an online and onsite academic program that offers a master's degree in Organization Development and a Ph.D. in Workforce Education and Development with an emphasis in Talent Development/Organization Development. Before joining Penn State in 1993, he had over fifteen years of executive-level work experience in human resources, talent development, and Organization Development leadership in government and private sector. With a combined fifty years of work experience in HR, OD, and Talent Development, he has published 164 books in the Human Resources field. We will be talking about his latest book, “Revolutionizing The Online Learning Journey—1500 Ways to Increase Engagement.” 20 Best California Mental Health Podcasts Check out my website:,,

Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
E369 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Aly Vredenburgh, an emerging leader and expert in youth advocacy, education, and research. She holds a sociology degree and an M.A. in Social Innovation from the University of San Diego. Her research in adolescent mental health has been featured in influential scientific journals and conferences. With a deep understanding of the factors contributing to the mental health crisis in Gen-Z and having led initiatives for policy changes as Past-President of a nonprofit, Vredenburgh is committed to driving systemic change and improving the well-being of future generations. Today, we will discuss her book: "Out of Focus", which highlights the mental health crisis among Gen Z, offering a deep dive into systemic issues and advocating for meaningful change. You can find her further discussing mental health and related topics on Instagram @alyvredenburgh. 20 Best California Mental Health Podcasts Check out my website:,, Remember to Subscribe, Listen, Review, and Share! Find me on these sites: *iTunes ( *Google Play ( *Stitcher ( *YouTube ( Platforms to Like and Follow: *Facebook ( *Instagram ( *Twitter ( *LinkedIn (

Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
E368 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. Ashkan Farhadi, a distinguished physician, researcher, and educator with over two decades of experience in academic medicine. As a senior American College of Gastroenterology member, he has been a researcher and professor at leading universities. Dr. Farhadi is the Director of the Digestive Disease Center at Memorial Care Medical Group in Fountain Valley, California, and a faculty member at the University of California, Irvine. Throughout his career, he has contributed to over 100 peer-reviewed papers, articles, and abstracts across various medical journals and publications. He has also authored several books and book chapters, which have been translated into five languages. In addition to his scholarly work, Dr. Farhadi holds over ten U.S. patents, with six more pending, all aimed at advancing patient care. His research has taken a personal turn in recent years, focusing on pursuing success and happiness. His extensive exploration of this topic culminated in the book *The Evolution of Happiness*, where he distills years of insights into a clear and practical guide. 20 Best California Mental Health Podcasts Check out my website:,, Discussing Happiness and Its Evolution Dr. Foojan and Dr. Ashkan discussed the concept of happiness. Dr. Ashkan shared his research and personal journey into the topic, explaining that his interest was sparked by his work as a gastroenterologist. He published several articles and books, including "The Evolution of Happiness" and its Farsi equivalent. Dr. Foojan praised Dr. Ashkan's work for its combination of research and artistic elements. They also discussed the concept of the "duality of reason," but no specific explanation was given. Dr. Ashkan shared his realization that happiness was not the top priority in people's lives, despite his initial expectations, and this insight led to the development of his article exploring this concept. They discussed the complexities of human behavior, focusing on the interplay between obligation and choice in shaping our experiences of joy and satisfaction. They noted that while obligations can sometimes lead to fulfillment and happiness, they can also result in resentment, particularly when they feel forced or pointless. Conversely, when tasks are imbued with a sense of purpose and choice, they can tilt the scale towards joy and satisfaction. Dr. Foojan emphasized the importance of therapists helping clients revisit past decisions with a more nuanced understanding of the circumstances and information available at the time in order to foster self-forgiveness and a more positive outlook. They discussed the concept of happiness and its related qualities. Dr. Ashkan elaborated on happiness as an armor, emphasizing that it is not a single thing that makes us happy but a combination of various elements. He introduced a new model of happiness: inner happiness is the cake, and joy, relief of needs, and excitement are the frosting. Dr. Ashkan also shared the results of research on over 100 personal traits that are closely correlated with happiness and joy, which led to the identification of 10 pairs of complementary attributes. He discussed the concept of happiness as a suit of armor, emphasizing that weakness in any armor component renders it ineffective. Dr. Ashkan stressed that his approach was based on research rather than personal experience or advice, and he highlighted the book's use of humor and caricatures to engage readers. They discussed the concept of happiness as a continuous state that requires effort and resilience. They emphasized the importance of self-reflection, self-improvement, and protecting one's happiness. They also discussed the distinction between acquired and natural happiness, with the former being about contentment with what one already has. The conversation touched on the evolution of happiness and the need to redefine success as personal fulfillment and well-being rather than material achievements. Dr. Ashkan discussed the importance of words in effectively communicating ideas and concepts, particularly in terms of happiness. He emphasized the need to define words with specific connotations to facilitate easier understanding and appreciation of their differences. Dr. Ashkan also shared a poem about the pursuit of happiness, highlighting that it is a universal dream and desire.

Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
E367 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt, Imago Relationship Theory and Therapy co-creators. In 2015, Harville and Helen also co-founded Safe Conversations LLC--a training institute that teaches a relational intervention based on the latest relational sciences that can help anyone shift from conflict to connection. Harville and Helen are co-authors of three New York Times bestsellers, including Getting the Love You Want, which has sold more than four million copies, and multiple other books on relationships. Harville graduated from Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, which awarded him an Honorary Doctorate of Human Letters. He holds a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York and an M.A. and a Ph.D. in Psychology and Religion from The School of Divinity at the University of Chicago. Harville received several honors, including the Outstanding Pastoral Counselor of the Year Award from the American Baptist Churches and the Distinguished Contribution Award from the American Association of Pastoral Counselors. Helen earned her doctorate in Women's History from Union Theological Seminary in NYC. In addition to her partnerships with Harville, Helen is one of a small army of women who helped seed the women's funding movement. She was inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame in 1994 for her contribution to the global women's movement and into the Smithsonian Institute for creating Women Moving Millions and her leadership in creative women's philanthropy. Today, we will discuss their latest book, "How to Talk with Anyone about Anything." Visit or to learn more about dialogue training and the global social movement. 20 Best California Mental Health Podcasts Check out my website:,,

Monday Sep 09, 2024
Monday Sep 09, 2024
E366 – "Inner Voice: A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine." In this episode, Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. John E. Lewis, Ph.D., the Founder and President of Dr Lewis Nutrition™ ( and past full-time Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He is also a Diplomate, Faculty Member, and Advisor of the Medical Wellness Association. He is a lecturer for the Institute for Brain Potential. With over 30 different studies as the principal investigator in his research career, Dr. Lewis has extensive experience in evaluating the effects of nutrition, dietary supplementation, and exercise on various aspects of human health and disease, instilling confidence in his knowledge. In addition to his research, Dr. Lewis has been invited as a national and international lecturer at conferences and workshops and as a guest on television shows, where he discusses his research findings and provides guidance and recommendations as an expert in the health and wellness field. He has over 180 peer-reviewed publications in scientific journals, where his work has first appeared in print, including some of the leading scientific journals, such as AIDS and Behavior, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of the International AIDS Society, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Nutrition, and Cancer: An International Journal, Sports Medicine, Stroke, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and The Gerontologist. He has also mentored many students, from undergraduates to post-doctoral trainees, in conducting clinical research and applying the principles of health promotion into daily practice. His seminal publication in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease from his Alzheimer's study not only spurred him to leave academics and pursue a science-based business career but also enabled him to be selected for a widely-acclaimed TEDx Miami talk ( about how dietary supplementation can improve brain health. Dr. Lewis not only embodies the model of health and wellness by following a whole-food, plant-based diet for over 27 years, taking key dietary supplements, and maintaining a rigorous, daily exercise training program, but he also has a fervent passion for educating others about the value of nutrition, exercise, and health. His commitment to studying the application of clinical nutrition for the benefit of mankind is unwavering, reassuring the audience of his expertise in the field. In this episode, we will be talking about his latest research on the nutritional value of the polysaccharides found in Aloe Vera.