Inner Voice - Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan
A Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan Zeine is a show talking about what matters the most to you in life. Listen to tips of the day about life, answers your questions, and interview with experts in the field of psychology, and authors of books about humanity.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Habits that work - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about spring cleaning your mind. Dr. Foojan chats with Dr. Toby A. Travis is the founder of TrustED®, a framework for school improvement focused on developing trusted leaders. The application of his research serves as the basis for the TrustED® School Leader 360 Assessment, which schools worldwide utilize to inform school improvement initiatives. In addition, he is an Executive Consultant with the Global School Consulting Group, an Adjunct Professor for the International Graduate Program of Educators for the State University of New York College at Buffalo, and an experienced teacher and administrator of PS-12 schools. His new book is TrustED – The Bridge to School Improvement. Learn more at
Dr. Foojan also chats with Suzanne Falter, After losing her daughter Teal in 2012, Suzanne Falter discovered the healing power of self-care. She now hosts the Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women podcast and is the author of multiple self-help titles including The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care. Her essays have appeared in SELF, More, Fitness, New Woman, and The New York Times, as well as O.
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Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment-From Vulnerabilities to High Performance - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about listening clearly and intently. Dr. Foojan chats with Nic Aguirre, AKA ‘Nic Nosis’, a High-Performance Hypnotist. He is the founder of Apex Mind Coaching, an organization that helps elite performers reprogram their subconscious minds for success. Nic uses Hypnosis and other modalities to help leaders and salespeople manage stress, breakthrough limitations, and uphold consistent peak performance. Dr. Foojan chats with Lois Letchford a literacy problem-solver and the author of Reversed: A memoir. She is a reading specialist and uses her non-traditional background, multi-continental experience, and passion to assist failing students. And last Dr. Foojan chats with Dr. Eddie Capparucci, a licensed counselor and coach, certified in treating Problematic Sexual Behaviors and is the creator of the Inner Child Model for the treatment of sex/porn addiction. Among his many clients, Eddie has worked with professional athletes and television personalities. He is the author of several books including Going Deeper: How the Inner Child Impacts Your Sexual Addiction and Why Men Struggle to Love: Overcoming Relational Blind Spots. He is the administrator of two blog sites: and He also is the host of the monthly webinar Getting to the Other Side.
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Monday Mar 07, 2022
Your Brain Health - Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr.Mohammad Nami
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Your Brain Health - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about change being inevitable, lets be prepared. Dr. Foojan shares the latest research about even light-to-moderate drinking is associated with harm to the brain. Dr. Foojan chats with Dr. Mohammad Nami a medical doctor and translational neuroscientist holding a PhD in clinical/cognitive neuroscience and clinical fellowship in sleep disorders. He is currently the director of Brain, Cognition and Behavior at the Department of Neuroscience at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. He is also an associate Alumnus, and member of the Harvard Alumni for Mental Health at Harvard Medical School, and he serves as the SBMT/Brain Mapping Foundation scientist. They discuss the neuroscience approach to mental health and beyond. Insta: @nami_neuroscience
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Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Soulfully Loving yourself and others - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about what to do when you are humiliated publicly. She shares how not to retraumatize yourself with all the negative news. Dr. Foojan chats with Elisa Romeo, MFT, and Adam Foley, the authors of Holy Love: The Essential Guide to Soul-Fulfilling Relationships and cohosts of the Holy & Human Podcast. Elisa is a licensed marriage and family therapist, an intuitive, and the author of Meet Your Soul. Adam is a certified somatic practitioner and yoga instructor who uses spiritual coaching, somatic healing, and his own intuitive abilities to connect people to their Soul. Together, they help individuals awaken and deepen their soulful nature within relationship. As married parents of two, Elisa and Adam use practical stories from the trenches of everyday life, their personal spiritual experiences, and examples from their work with thousands of couples to teach sacred partnership. Visit them online at
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Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Success, Functionality & Empowering - Dr.Foojan Zeine chats with Jolie Dawn
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment-Success, Functionality & Empowering - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about feelings of success and failure. She answers your questions about Bipolar Disorder in the Ask Me Segment. She shares two published research about Depression being a cause for dementia and Alzheimer's disease and how a particular meditation can significantly reduce errors. She chats with Jolie Dawn, the author of Empowered, Sexy, and Free and creator of the Dare to Prosper Challenge, the largest women’s prosperity meditation gathering online, attended by women in more than fifty countries. She specializes in helping women awaken their prosperity consciousness, embody their deepest truth, and reclaim personal freedom and creativity. An intuitive business coach and writer, she currently contributes to Entrepreneur magazine, and she has written six bestselling self-published books. She is the founder of Prosperity Queendom Inc., an online business training platform for spiritual entrepreneurs. Jolie has had thousands of hours of leadership and spirituality training in various modalities, including hypnosis, unconscious reprogramming, Kundalini yoga, theta healing, Reiki, and transmutation meditation.
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Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Experiencing the Divine You - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about love and the essence of it in different relationships. Dr. Foojan chats with Sister Dr. Jenna is the author of “Meditation: Intimate Experiences with the Divine through Contemplative Practices”. As a trusted spiritual mentor to people all over the world, she works to bridge divides in societies and build relationships between global influencers. She is the founder and director of the Brahma Kumari’s Meditation Museum, the host of the popular America Meditating Radio Show at, and the recipient of the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award.
Sister Dr. Jenna is also a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and was selected by
Empower A Billion Women 2020 as one of the 100 most influential leaders of 2015.
Dr. Foojan also chats with D. Neil Elliott, the author of “A higher road – a 7 step process to inner peace, joy, love, abundance, and prosperity”. D. Neil Elliott lives in a peaceful historic village on the West Coast of British Columbia with his wife and a house full of art, books, and plants.
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Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- - Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about depression, causes, and treatment modalities. Dr. Zeine chats with Karen Johnson, J.D., the author of “Living Grieving: Using Energy Medicine to Alchemize Grief and Loss”. She is a graduate of Georgetown Law Center, a former Fulbright Scholar in Afghanistan, and holds a master’s degree in public health and Public and International Affairs (MPH, MPIA). Karen is a retired federal administrative law judge who practiced criminal and energy law for more than 10 years. She also is a former US Army officer, Major, USAR (inactive). She was personally trained by Alberto Villoldo and is a faculty at the Four Winds Society and a Master Practitioner.
Dr. Foojan also chats with Harry Derbitsky, the founder of Mental Health Transformations, and Joe Fletcher, a member of this transformational group. Harry is the author of four books including his latest “Evolution of Addiction Recovery Re-Opened”. Harry was an early student of Sydney Banks and personally benefited professionally and personally from Sydney’s message of pure Truth about the 3 Principles of Universal Mind, Thought & Consciousness. Joe suffered from decades of physical health and mental health struggles that severely restricted his life from a child before he came across the 3 Principles. Now he has discovered his inner healing and purpose and seen that he can live a life of fulfillment despite being told by doctors and mental health professionals that he had no hope of recovery.
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Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Tuesday Feb 01, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Relationship Essentials- Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about receiving, experiencing, and expressing love. She chats with Lauren Reitsema and Joneen Mackenzie, the co-authors of “Relationship Essentials – Skills to Feel Heard, Fight Fair, and Set Boundaries in all areas of Life”, and founders of the Center for Relationship Education. Lauren serves on the executive leadership team at CRE (Center for Relationship Education). The author of "In Their Shoes", regularly speaks to youths, adults, and corporate teams. Joneen, an RN and former 1st Lt. in the USAF Nurse Corps founded CRE, which has certified more than 15,000 educators in its REAL Essentials relationship skills curricula. She participates in national public health standards policy through numerous board memberships.
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Caring for Yourself & Your Team- Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about needing and deserving guilt-free breaks. Dr. Foojan chats with Jamie Lerner, co-author of the book The Ever-Loving Essence of You, can put a fresh spin on just about anything that anyone throws her way. Jamie talks about the art of allowing personal responsibility. . The latest research is shared with you regarding allowing autonomy in the team to create great productivity and customer satisfaction leading to our next guest Kian Gohar who inspires the world's leading organizations to harness innovation and moonshots to solve complex problems. A former executive director of the XPRIZE Foundation and Singularity University, Kian has coached the leadership teams of dozens of Fortune 500 companies. He is a sought-after public speaker on innovation, a Ted Speaker, and has been featured on CNBC, NPR and Axions. He is a graduate of Northwestern University, the London School of Economics, and Harvard Business School. He is the co-author of “Competing in the new world of work – how radical adaptability separates the best from the rest”. @fromthekgb - Check out my website: Remember to Subscribe, Listen, Review, Share! Find me on these sites: *iTunes ( *Google Play ( *Stitcher ( *YouTube ( ) Platforms to Like and Follow: *Facebook ( *Instagram (
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Monday Jan 17, 2022
Inner Voice – a Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan on KMET 1490 AM / ABC News Radio. In this segment- Plant Medicine- Dr. Foojan shares the Tip of the Week about ways to forgive ourselves. She shares research about plant medicine from the John Hopkins center for psychedelics and consciousness and the Berkley Foundation. Then she chats with Julyet Berlen about plant medicine – Yage (Ayahuasca)- The Amazonian plant-based psychedelic. She is the author of “The Modern Medicine Woman”, an advocate for natural healing modalities, and is a Health coach. Instagram - @julyetberlen. Check out my website: